Meeting Date: Wednesday, February 5, 2025
12:00 p.m. – North/South Private, Zoom, Microsoft Teams, Google Meet, Livestream
Opinions Committee Members:
Co-Chairs: John “Frosty” McMiller, Mary Goldenwad
Committee Members Present: Matt Matherson (4th Gen), Karen Nowzital, Chap Gregory, Chip Gregory. Ambassador Lowburton.
Members Not present: All
Staff: R. James Stoven, General Manager, CMAA, Jackson O’Shannahan, PGA (CPG certification pending), Pat Toro-Deere, CGCS, Janice Crabtree, Summer Intern*
1 / Welcome - Frosty McMiller
Approve minutes from previous meeting (Men’s Grill, Feb 5, last night)
Thank new bartender (name?) for discount on 4th bottle, ideas really started coming.
2 / Urgent Matters
Ice “coldness” level concerns
Mrs. Hill requests discount on house chardonnay due to dilution of wine strength
Mr. Hill suggestion to “reach out to his other club in Florida” for ideas
Could this be delegated to existing Water Wetness subcommittee?
3 / Dining
Industry standard for medium rare ‘plus’
Croutons (limit disc. 20 min.)
Recipe Corner
Today’s Tasting: McNulty family recipe Warmed Cottage Cheese Soup
4 / Golf
Current Requests:
From G. Smith: Relocate oak tree (just 5 yards) on the driving range so that he can practice “feathering a nine-iron” to front pin on 3.
From K. Lewis out of town for member guest, but would like guest to be able to play (and bring guest)
From L. Eudd: Needs cart girl (Amanda, and her twin) number for serving at son’s bachelor party, incl. use of cart.
5 / Legal
Updates on current suits in process
Member v Club (3)
Member v Member (1)
Member v Guest (4)
Staff v Member (2)
6 / Things Members "Just want to let us know"
Mr. James: "He's not someone who ever sends his plate back."
Mrs. Colton: It might be the detergent in the pool towels that give her dog a rash. Try organic?
Mrs. Anderson: "She's been to Colorado and Europe."
Mrs. Anderson: "It's not a rumor if it could be true."
7 / New Business
Better Bingo prizes (assessment?)
8 / Adjourn